18 more Tory ‘surveys’ that are much more. The SKWAWKBOX needs your help

Do you know anyone who has received this survey? Dxxx


As anticipated, last week’s article on the supposed ‘survey’ that appears to be a device to obtain voters’ data and persuade them to apply for a postal vote via the Tory party has flushed out another example. This one is being used at the other end of the country from the first, in Cornwall, but with striking similarities that suggest that we may be seeing the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of a widespread new Tory tactic as a variation on the already widely-used theme that aims to control the postal vote application process.

Voters in Truro Tregolls are receiving a ‘survey’ leaflet from their local Conservative party:

cornwall1cornwall2.jpgAgain, the leaflet invites respondents to indicate that they want a postal vote – and provide a Freepost address to encourage people to apply via the Tory office rather than direct to the ERO (Electoral Registration Officer) as electoral rules require:

tregolls freepost.pngAnd again, the…

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