All Quiet on the Spartacus Front

Its funny isn’t it… Several quite disabled people get together and decide to challenge the government, about a new welfare bill and find themselves at the centre of not only a media frenzy but a disabled frenzy as hundreds and i mean that literally… Hundreds of people with disabilities and carers of people with disabilities, supporters and care workers, clamber to find a way to support this Herculean task, of the kind you only read in stories of the under dog, taking on the giant… But what becomes of this momentum? After the initial phase… well the next crisis hits… with a vital engagement to try to prevent the worst excesses of ignorance and bad policy  hitting the sick and disabled, in a way that will throw thousands in to poverty and leaving many  thousands of seriously disabled people, who, without the funding to buy the adaptations or equipment they need to survive or work.
But the challenge is met and we await the results with a sense of fear that nothing will deter the juggernaut that’s threatening to run us down… And so the question comes at first quietly but slowly builds… What comes next where is Spartacus..
Well, that’s the next big question… We cannot wait for the next crisis to brake over us we need to preempt it, to regroup and to lead the charge.
Many have been saying why is the Spartacus Community so quiet…is it over are they done?
I know that all seems quiet on the Spartacus front but something new is growing and evolving… A new way to engage in resistance. The regroup has begun and to many it seems arbitrary in the light of such a mammoth task but from small seemingly unimportant things, wars are won.
The rally cry is begun but you need to pay attention to hear it… Sometimes a whisper is more powerful than the roar…

Today see’s the another tiny step in that regroup… Today we see the launch of the new more interactive, more vital Spartacus Forum… Come help the whisper become a ROAR… Alone we whisper together we SHOUT! … Dxxx

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